Fixing Teams Connection Issues

December 14, 2023

[avatar user="Jamie Poindexter" size="thumbnail" align="left" link="file" /] by Jamie Poindexter|Aug 16, 2022|Jamie's Tech Corner,Our blogIf you are getting errors similar to the below where MS Teams will not sign in or wont open here are some things, you try to get it working again

In most cases you will get the 1st error when Teams is already working. If you close or try the sign out/back in option, you might get the 2nd message when you enter your login credentials.The first step is to close completely out of Teams. Right click on the Teams icon in the system tray and exit.

Now open file explorer and browse to C:USERNAMEJamieAppDataRoamingMicrosoftTeams and rename the folder adding .old to the end. If you get a error Teams might still be running.

Now you can click on start and search for “Credential Manager” and launch it.

Go to the “Windows Credentials” tab and look through the list. Look for any that contain Office/Outlook or One Drive. For each click the down arrow and remove it.

That’s the hard part done, now we need to reinstall Teams. Go to download the appropriate version and install it. Teams should now ask you to login again but this time let you connect normally. Another thing to note is since we deleted the cached credentials for several Microsoft products you might be asked to sign back into Outlook or One Drive.