Windows 10 Feature Update Troubleshooting

December 14, 2023

[avatar user="Jamie Poindexter" size="thumbnail" align="left" link="attachment" /]by Jamie Poindexter | Oct 25, 2020 | Jamie's Tech Corner, Our blogThe 2004 update for Windows 10 also known as the May feature update or the upcoming 20H2 October update contain both feature updates as well as security and big fixes. Most of the time these feature updates install without issue but in some cases, they will fail and be stuck in a endless circle of it attempting and then failing.

The first step in troubleshooting is to always restart the Pc and retry but if that fails there is way to run the update manually. The Windows 10 Media Creator which is normally used to update from Windows 7/8 to 10 can also be used to install the latest feature (currently 20H2) This method does take longer but is considered safe. However you will want to make sure you have anything important backed up and off the device just in case.The first step is to head over to and click on the download tool now. You might be wondering why we are not using the “Update Now” button for the October update. This may be worth a try first as this method is quicker. However it could result in the same issue as running the update from Windows Update. The Media Creator is a sure fire way as it effectively resets a lot of the issues that could be preventing the update from installing in the first place.

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Run the tool once you have downloaded it choose the option to upgrade this pc now.

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Next wait for the tool to download the update, depending on the internet connection speed it could take awhile.

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Now you will have the install option. Make sure keep personal files and apps is chosen and then click install.

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Now you wait, the installation can take an hour or less and might restart a couple times. Once the update is done you will be taken back to the login screen.

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